Thursday, September 15, 2011

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently awarded $100 million to help those in public and assisted housing find jobs and connect to needed services and for the elderly and people with disabilities to maintain independent living. The funding includes approximately $35 million through the Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency – Service Coordinators Program (ROSS-SC) Program; approximately $15 million through the Public Housing – Family Self-Sufficiency Program (PH-FSS); and $45 million through the Multifamily Housing Service Coordinator Program (MHSC). To see a breakdown of how these funds are being used locally, click here.

As highlighted in Affordable Housing as a Platform for Improving Family Well-Being: Federal Funding and Policy Opportunities, many communities are creatively leveraging investments like these to address resident needs and improve family well-being.  Adequate and affordable housing are a foundation for creating strong, stable communities.  Yet, we know that the lack of affordable housing has led to high rent burdens, overcrowding, substandard housing and housing insecurity for many American families, only making things worse for those in economically distressed communities. The lack of a stable home negatively affects children’s social development, and the frequent school changes that often result from housing instability are associated with poor academic performance and educational attainment.  In contrast, affordable and stable housing has been linked with improving health, education and economic outcomes for families and children. When housing is stable and affordable, families can spend more time and resources on medical care, nutritious food, transportation to and from work and quality day care services.  Ensuring these outcomes for families and children in all communities requires investments in comprehensive community development work that is place-based, focused on family well-being and addressing challenges to equity.

Communities should use their success stories and experience of what is working on the ground to continue influencing future funding resources and supportive policies.  For information on how state policy makers can promote affordable housing for children and families, visit our affordable housing section on


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