Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Earlier this month, the Center for the Study of Violence Prevention at the University of Colorado in Boulder launched Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development – an interactive website that will help communities identify programs that have a strong track record of promoting children’s health and development.

As the demand for evidence-based programs continues to grow, Blueprints is a tool that governmental agencies, schools, foundations, and community organizations can utilize as they make informed decisions about their investments in youth programs. Gathering information about programs across the nation, Blueprints only shares information about those programs that undergo a thorough review by Blueprints staff and an expert Advisory Board. Of the more than 1,100 programs assessed to date, only about 50 have qualified for Blueprints certification. Blueprints shares information about both promising and model programs, which are defined as follows:

Promising Programs: evidence from an experimental or two quasi-experimental designs, clear findings of positive impact, carefully defined goals, and sufficient resources to help users

Model Programs: evidence from an experimental design, a sustained impact, and a multiple site replications

Blueprints allows users to search by youth outcome area, such as behavior, education or relationships. In addition to searching for programs, the website also provides information about the staff, training and financial resources organizations often need to include when applying for federal and state grants or seeking funding for community initiatives.

Blueprints is funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Click here to check out the website and learn more about how Blueprints can help your community find and implement programs that will improve outcomes for children.


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