Monday, June 27, 2011

The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced more than $31 million in Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) grants. The ROSS Service Coordinators Program provides resources for public housing authorities, resident associations, or nonprofit organizations to hire service coordinators who can provide case management services to residents. ROSS coordinator can help connect residents with education, job training, and asset building services.

As we state in our recent policy brief, Affordable Housing as a Platform for Improving Family Well-Being: Federal Funding and Policy Opportunities, service coordination that connects housing and employment needs is critical for families of distressed communities who are often isolated from the resources and supports they need. This can be true even when the community is undergoing redevelopment as often revitalization efforts can have the unintended consequences of isolating families from their networks and supports as they are relocated until development is complete. In New Orleans, Urban Strategies is using ROSS funding to support a case management system that connects residents of the former C.J. Peete community, which is being redeveloped by McCormick Baron Salazar through HOPE VI funding, to services they need to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Through this system, Urban Strategies coordinates a network of more than 25 public, faith-, and community- based organizations, leveraging $27 million in public and private resources for resident services and supports. Those who are interested in connecting to other efforts, should connect with local ROSS grantees.


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