Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The latest funding opportunity from the Obama Administration’s Affordable Care Act provides an unprecedented opportunity to improve outcomes for at-risk children through evidence-based home visiting programs. The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) competitive grant program seeks to award additional funding to states that have sufficiently demonstrated the interest and capacity to enhance their targeted home visiting programs. Successful applicants will be awarded Federal fiscal year (FY) 2011 competitive grant funds, on top of the FY 2011 MIECHV formula based funds. These funds will be used to support implementation and expansion of quality home visiting programs that are part of comprehensive, high-quality early childhood systems in all the states.

Through this funding opportunity, the Administration continues to promote collaborative efforts between Federal, state and local agencies to improve the health and well-being of vulnerable children and families.Community based organizations with a strong capacity and neighborhood credibility can help to support state home visiting programs for families in at-risk communities. Applicants may apply for two main categories of available funds: 

  • Expansion Grants (FY 2011-2014) recognize states and jurisdictions that have already made significant progress towards a high-quality home visiting program or in successfully embedding their home visiting program into a comprehensive early childhood system. States applying for this grant will use the funds to either enhance one or more priority elements of a home visiting program or initiate a statewide expansion of one home visiting priority element currently operating at a local or regional level. Approximately $66 million of the competitive funding will be awarded in FY 2011 for seven to 10 four-year grants. Applicants may apply for up to $9.43 million annually. There will be four Expansion Grant cycles from FY2011-2014.

  • Development Grants (FY 2011-2012) are for states and jurisdictions that currently have modest home visiting programs and want to build on existing efforts.  States may use Development Grants to become competitive in receiving an Expansion Grant in the future. Approximately $33 million of the competitive FY11 funding will be awarded for 10-12, two-year grants. The total grant award may range between $2.75 million and $3.3 million annually.

Eligible applicants for this competitive grant opportunity are states(including the District of Columbia) and territories. The Governor has the responsibility and authority to designate which entity or group of entities will apply for and administer MIECHV funds on behalf of the state. The application due date is July 1, 2011.

For more information on Affordable Care Act Funding Opportunities click here


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