Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Last week, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced funding for Program Coordinators for the Public & Indian Housing Family Self-Sufficiency (PH FSS) Program. The PH FSS program is intended to help develop local strategies for the coordination of resources, both public and private, to support families receiving assistance through the Public Housing program as they make steps toward improving their economic security. Examples of ways in which families can achieve this include increased income, improved financial literacy, and reduced need for welfare assistance. The Program Coordinator role funded through this recently announced opportunity will help to connect families who are HUD-assisted renters with services that will allow them to move toward self-sufficiency. The Program Coordinator will also work to support participating families through the development of relationships with employers and service providers located within the community.

Eligible applicants include public housing authorities and tribes that currently administer PH FSS programs as well as applicants seeking to start one, though preference will be given to applicants who are currently administering such a program. HUD anticipates awarding an estimated $15 million in FY12 funds in addition to any funds leftover from FY11. Each award for either a new or continuing position will not be greater than $34,500 for a part-time coordinator or $69,000 for a full-time coordinator. Additional information regarding the program and the application process, including the full announcement, can be found here. Applications are due May 30, 2012.

The types of supports referenced above, such as financial literacy programs, are essential to ensuring low-income families are able to achieve economic security in the longer term. If you are interested in resources that can help communities assist families in developing assets, such as savings accounts, please view our recent blog post on the issue here.


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